On September 29, 2014, Governor Brown signed Assembly Bill 1432 – Mandated Child Abuse Reporting: School Employees Training. This law became effective January 1, 2015, and requires school districts, county offices of education, charter schools, state special schools and diagnostic centers operated by the Dept. of Education to:
- Annually provide training to their employees and persons working on their behalf who are mandated reporters on mandated reporting requirements; and
- Develop a process for all persons required to receive the training to provide proof of completing this training within the first six weeks of each school year or within six weeks of the person’s employment.
As members of GSRMA, we wanted to provide you with information regarding two training resources that were recently released, which will assist you in reaching compliance with these new requirements.
- TargetSolutions, our online training program, has updated its Reporting Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of Children course to comply with AB 1432. Please click here to read TargetSolutions’ FAQ regarding their course and how it complies with AB 1432. If you have questions about this course, or are not currently using TargetSolutions and would like additional information, please contact us at 530-934-5633 or via email at Loss Prevention. We would be happy to provide you with assistance.
- As required by AB 1432, the California Department of Social Services with input from the California Department of Education developed an online training program titled Child Abuse Mandated Reporter Training. This course can be accessed at http://www.mandatedreporterca.com/. Scroll down to the AB 1432 – California Educator: Mandated Reporter Training section.
If you have any questions regarding this new bill, or if we can be of any other assistance, please feel free to contact us at 530-934-5633 or via email at Loss Prevention.