News & Information

Balancing Growth and Safety: Controlling Risk Within Cadet Programs

It’s no secret to the volunteer fire protection districts of California that volunteerism is in a lull to say the least. Establishing a cadet program within a public volunteer fire district is an opportunity to nurture future firefighters while protecting the district's interests. Understanding Legal Frameworks Let’s just start off [...]

Is Your Business Prepared for a Cyber Attack?

Protecting your agency against ransomware attacks is of utmost importance in today's digital landscape. This article will provide you with key information on safeguarding your organization through the use of backups and best practices. We will explore the critical role of backups in preventing ransomware attacks, how threat actors attempt [...]

GSRMA Longtime General Counsel Retires

After over 40 years of acting as GSRMA’s General Counsel, L. “Gary” Krup, Esq. has announced his retirement. Gary began acting as both Defense Counsel and General Counsel for GSRMA (at the time Glenn County JPA) upon its formation in 7/1/79. Gary acted as Defense Counsel until 2015, successfully defending and [...]

GSRMA Announces New Board of Directors Appointments

After holding elections for the GSRMA Board of Directors, GSRMA is excited to announce that we will have two new board members joining our board. Angela Spease, Director with Cosumnes Community Services District, will join our board for the fire member vacancy. Angela operates a cyber security business with her [...]

GSRMA Board Openings: Fire & Special District

GSRMA is currently seeking nominations for our board openings for both Fire Districts and Special Districts. Board terms are two years, with the term beginning at the start of the 23-24 fiscal year and running thru the 24-25 fiscal year (July 1, 2023-June 30th, 2025). There are several benefits to districts [...]

By |November 3rd, 2022|GSRMA Board, Trending|
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