News & Information

2025 Legislative Alert: Key Updates Every Public Agency Needs to Know

As we approach 2025, public agencies in California are preparing for a wave of new legislation that could impact operations, policies, and procedures. This post highlights a handful of key bills that may affect your agency. It’s important to note that this overview highlights only a portion of the many [...]

Back To School Safety

Back-to-School Safety Tips: A Guide for Parents, Students, and Educators As summer comes to an end, students, parents, and teachers are all finding new routines, classes, and friendships. These times are exciting and remind us to review safety practices in and out of the classroom. This season represents a key [...]

Bridging Developmental Gaps: Preschool (TK) vs. Grade School Playgrounds

Playgrounds are dynamic environments where children explore, socialize, and develop crucial skills through play. However, to ensure optimal engagement and safety, it's essential to tailor playground designs to the specific needs and abilities of different age groups. As I write this, I think about my 3- and 5-year-old and know that [...]

CDPH Updates K-12 COVID-19 Guidelines for 22-23 School Year

The CDPH recently updated their COVID-19 Public Health Guidance for K–12 Schools to Support Safe In-Person Learning, 2022–2023 School Year. See below for some of their general reccomendations: The guidance is effective July 1, 2022, unless otherwise stated, and will continue to be reviewed regularly by the California Department of Public [...]

FAQs on CDPH K-12 Vaccine Verification and Testing Order

On August 11th 2021, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) issued a State Public Health Officer Order that provided direction on vaccine verification for workers in California schools. Additionally, CDPH published FAQs addressing specifics pertaining to the scope of the Order and definitions. Under this Order schools are required [...]

COVID-19 Isolation/Quarantine Decision Tree for Cases and Contacts

COVID-19 cases are on rise, as are the number of questions we are receiving from members. One of the most common questions we hear after an agency has a COVID-19 exposure is, "What next?"  Below you will find a decision tree that is designed to help answer that question and [...]

Cal/OSHA ratifies Wildfire Smoke RUle for outdoor workers

Like many Californian's, currently our districts are facing fires near and far that are creating air quality concerns. Due to the increase in frequency as well as severity of the fire's in the California, in 2019 Cal/OSHA put out emergency regulation §5141.1. §5141.1 relates to all workplaces where workers will [...]

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