News & Information

Important Update on GSRMA Pollution Program Claims Reporting

GSRMA member agencies are afforded pollution coverage through Public Risk Innovation, Solutions, and Management’s (PRISM) Pollution Program. For the coverage years of 18/19 – 20/21, the Pollution and Remediation Legal Liability policy was placed with Illinois Union (Chubb).  Chubb elected to non-renew this coverage effective 7/1/2021. The coverage that replaced [...]

GSRMA Announces 18th Annual Conference

GSRMA is excited to announce our 18th Annual Conference scheduled for October 24th and 25th at Rolling Hills Casino in Corning, CA. This year’s conference will be centered around the theme “Small Steps, Big Results: Building Resilience for Your Organization,” where we aim to focus on the gradual changes that lead to significant [...]

Bridging Developmental Gaps: Preschool (TK) vs. Grade School Playgrounds

Playgrounds are dynamic environments where children explore, socialize, and develop crucial skills through play. However, to ensure optimal engagement and safety, it's essential to tailor playground designs to the specific needs and abilities of different age groups. As I write this, I think about my 3- and 5-year-old and know that [...]

Balancing Growth and Safety: Controlling Risk Within Cadet Programs

It’s no secret to the volunteer fire protection districts of California that volunteerism is in a lull to say the least. Establishing a cadet program within a public volunteer fire district is an opportunity to nurture future firefighters while protecting the district's interests. Understanding Legal Frameworks Let’s just start off [...]

Making Work More Meaningful

We’re pleased to share a unique perspective on management from Jesse Brisendine, our keynote at the 2023 Annual Conference. His expertise in employee engagement differs from our usual content yet provides universal insights. The strategies presented transcend any particular field or role. We hope you gain [...]

GL1 Renewal and Summary of Biometric Exclusion

Author: Sarah Bishop, PRISM Underwriting Manager Despite historically hard general liability market conditions, PRISM successfully renewed the GL1 Program on July 1, 2023 with more than a 98% member retention. While rates unfortunately increased, we were able to maintain the $25 million per occurrence program limits. Coverage remained as expiring [...]

By |August 24th, 2023|Risk Management, Trending|
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