The unfortunate events and outcomes of COVID have sparked many questions, concerns and confusion from our Membership. In order to help our members and their employees during these chaotic times, I have provided a handful of reference documents. These documents cover the following COVID topics:
- FAQs and the Impact to Employers
- Preventing the Spread
- State and Federal Legislation
- State and Federal Guidance
In addition, GSRMA’s health plan through PRISM (formally known as CSA-EIA) fully support all COVID related testing and treatment. Any COVID related services received by covered members will be free of charge when obtained by network providers beginning 3/15/2020 through the end of the year 12/31/2020. This includes all carriers contracted with GSRMA, Anthem, Blue Shield and Kaiser. If you have any questions regarding COVID or the material provided, please reach out to Naomi Whatley at Employee Benefits.