As COVID cases are on the rise again, so too are questions from our members. With the additional uncertainty of the Delta Variant, we wanted to take a few minutes to provide you with a “refresher” on some key points to consider regarding COVID-19 and your operations.
First, it is important for all employers to be familiar with Cal OSHA’s COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS). If you have not reviewed the standard or are not familiar with the requirements, we would suggest you review the standard. Included below is a link to Cal OSHA’s COVID-19 Resources page. Here you will find not only the ETS, but also additional helpful resources including FAQs, sample plans, etc.
One of the requirements of the ETS is the implementation of a written COVID Protection Plan (CPP). In addition to ensuring that employers are compliant with ETS’ requirements, developing a written CPP also helps to ensure proper COVID protocols and processes have been implemented and are followed. If you have not developed a written plan, Cal OHSA has provided a great template, which can be accessed at the link above. Please keep in mind this document is a template and meant to be a starting point for your plan. It must be tailored to include descriptions of how you implement the requirements at your entity.
In addition to having a written CPP, employers also need to be aware of several COVID-19 notification requirements:
- As per Senate Bill 1159, when an employer knows or reasonably should know that an employee tested positive for COVID-19, the employer shall report to their claims’ administrator (GSRMA) in writing within three business days several key pieces of information. To assist our members with this reporting, GSRMA developed a COVID Tracking Log, which can be accessed through the link below. A completed copy of the log should be kept on file at your agency and a copy should be sent to either Tricia Alderman or Jennifer Peters at GSRMA.
- As per Assembly Bill 685, if an employer or representative of the employer receives a notice of potential exposure to COVID-19, there are several notifications an employer must make within one business day, including but not limited to notifications to employees, employees of subcontractors, exclusive representatives, and possibly public health. For additional information regarding these requirements, please see the link below for a blog post from PRISM, GSRMA’s excess carrier.
Lastly, the guidelines and requirements relative to COVID-19 are prone to change frequently. Given this, we would recommend you be familiar with and access the following websites periodically for updated information. They include, but are not limited to:
- California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Updates –
- CDPH News Releases –
- Governor Newsom’s Newsroom –
- Safe Schools For All Hub –
- GSRMA’s News/Information Blog –
Should you have any questions or need any assistance with any of the above information, please feel free to contact either Jennifer Peters, Assistant Risk Manager, or Tricia Alderman, Director of Claims, through this link, or via phone at 530-934-5633.