Golden State Risk Management Authority is testing a new process for filling future vacancies of the cemetery district representative position on the GSRMA Board of Directors.
But, first, a little history:
In 2001, GSRMA expanded the geographical area we serve to include all of California. Within a few years, special districts from all over the state, including a large number of Public Cemetery Alliance (PCA) members, had joined our risk pool. In 2005, at the request of PCA representatives, GSRMA expanded its board from 5 to 7 seats to allow permanent board representation for cemetery member districts. This expansion also allowed the special district and fire district members to have similar representation.
Per the GSRMA Bylaws, which were established in 1979, member agencies were selected by random drawing to fill these positions.
Last year, at the suggestion of PCA board representatives, the GSRMA Board agreed to review the Authority’s process for selecting replacement directors when a position is vacated. At its March 2015 meeting, the Board decided to test a revision of the process, specifically in the selection of the replacement for the cemetery representative position that will be vacated in July 2016.
The revised process directs staff to solicit member cemetery districts as to their willingness and desire to appoint a member of their board to serve on the GSRMA Board. Once we have established the list of those districts that are interested, the representative district will be selected by random drawing from that list.
The length of term for this board position is 2 years. The next open term is from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2018. GSRMA board meetings are bi-monthly starting in July (6 meetings a year). Meetings are held in the GSRMA board room in Willows, CA, from 6-8 pm on the second Wednesday of each meeting month. Each board member receives a $100 stipend, plus reimbursement for travel expenses (including lodging and meals, if applicable.)
Please share this information with your board and let me know if it would be willing to provide a representative, as described above, for the term beginning July 1, 2016.
The drawing for the new board member will take place at the May 2016 GSRMA Board Meeting. All cemetery members willing to provide a representative should notify us prior to April 30th. We will continue to reach out to our cemetery district members until that date.
We fully embrace our motto, “Innovative programs, personalized service”. It drives us to continually evaluate how we do business and we are excited to test this change.