To assist our members in complying with the ever-changing state and federal law, GSRMA is pleased to provide our members with employee labor law posters for little or no cost. We have made a bulk purchase of the all-in-one format, which incorporates both State of California and Federal posting requirements. Each member will receive a complimentary poster shipped directly to your agency. If you need additional posters for multiple locations, or if you do not receive your poster by mid-January, please contact our office.
Important: Your agency may fall under additional labor law posting requirements based on your industry type. These additional requirements do not apply uniformly to all our members and are not available in the all-in-one format. Listed below are a few of the additional requirements that may apply to your agency. Please review these to see if, and how, they might apply to your agency. If you have questions, or need assistance with this, contact our office.
- California Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Poster. This is required for all employers both public and private in the State of California. There are 16 different categories for industry types. To find out more information, what category you fall under, or to download a free copy of this poster see Cal OSHA’s website at
- E-Verify/Right to Work posters. This is for those employers who participate in the Federal E-Verify program. For more information regarding the E-verify program and to access a free download of the poster see the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website at
- Employers in certain cities or municipalities may have additional posting requirements. These types of posters are generally related to ordinances addressing wage and hour issues, minimum wage, and in some instances COVID-19 requirements.
- SB 657 effective 1-1-2022 – Postings for employees who are working from remote locations. This bill adds Labor Code Section 1207 and provides that in any instance in which an employer is required to physically post information, an employer may also distribute that information to employees by email with the document or documents attached. While this does not remove an employer’s obligation to physically display postings as required, the measure is intended to clarify the employer’s ability to communicate required information more effectively. Employers do not need to send or show remote employees required employee postings. These documents may be emailed, provided that the required postings remain physically displayed at the workplace. Due to COVID, employers have already adopted this practice out of necessity and the legislature officially sanctioned this approach to assuring that remote workers have access to the same information as those who are assigned to physical facilities.
The posters are sent to meet minimum employer requirements annually, or as needed. We anticipate a delivery date in early January.
If you have any questions regarding this information, or if we can be of further assistance, please feel free to give us a call.