As of today, March 30th 2021, a new COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave bill is in effect, SB 95. SB 95 expands the requirements to provide sick leave and now includes smaller employers (25 or more employees). Some of the main points of AB 95 are:
1.It greatly expands the list of qualified employees (including adding sections about time off for getting theCOVID-19 vaccine and recovering from side effects as a result of the vaccine as well as added employees who telework)
2.It expands the number of employers who fall under the requirements of the paid sick leave requirement
3.It requires employers to pick the rate of pay calculation that gives them the highest rate of pay
4.It provides for a TOTAL of 80 additional hours of sick pay, on top of whatever they may have taken in 2021
a. However, it is a maximum of 80 hours, so if an employee receives sick pay from another source, i.e. a specificcity or county sick leave Act, then it’s still a total of 80 hours, not 160 hours
5.It applies retroactively to sick leave taken from January 1, 2021 until the date the law becomes effective
6.Empoloyers with 25+ employees must display this poster in an area with their other labor law posters
To see a full breakdown of the new bill, Patti Eyres of our HR Hotline(administered by Eyres Law Group) made this FAQ, please click here to view. If you have questions regarding this bill and how it may effect your district, we ask that you reach out to Patti Eyres via the HR Hotline. If your district has never utilized the HR Hotline, we invite you to contact our Member Services Department so that we can get you enrolled.