Attention RMAP applicants! The full application for the Risk Management Accreditation Program has been posted to GSRMA’s website. A link is provide here for your convenience:
GSRMA member agencies can earn an award of up to 10% of their current year’s contribution, subject to a maximum of $50,000 per member agency per year for a score less than 10%, and a maximum of $75,000 per member agency per year, when the 10% maximum score is achieved.
This year’s program has several new requirements that you will want to be aware of, such as: compliance with Senate Bill 929 which requires special districts in California to maintain a website, compliance with Employee-Level Harassment Training requirements (SB 1343), and proper documentation of meetings and all employee trainings. Please take a moment to review the revised application now to familiarize your district with the new requirements.
Members must apply each year to qualify. This application covers the time period from March 1, 2019 – February 29, 2020. Please note: Members wishing to apply for the RMAP must submit a Letter of Intent to GSRMA’s Loss Prevention Staff no later than Monday, December 2, 2019!
We believe the RMAP endeavor is a worthwhile pursuit for fiscal health of your agency, as well as the health and safety of your leadership, administration and employees. And if you aren’t quite there yet, know that a Road Map exists to guide you on your way to excellence. Please contact our Loss Prevention team if you would like more information: (530) 934-5633 or Loss Prevention.